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PEO Services for Universities – Frequently Asked Questions

PEO Services for Universities – Frequently Asked Questions

PEO services present universities with a solution that addresses global hiring needs and simplifies the complexities associated with HR, payroll, and employment law compliance.
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Australia Regulatory Updates – November 2021

Australia Regulatory Updates – November 2021

Several updates have been made to many of the regulatory policies in Australia over the past few months. From reduced tax rates to extended paid leave accessibility, below are some of the key updates employers will want to make note of.
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Silicon Slopes Podcast: Work From Anywhere, Hire From Anywhere

Silicon Slopes Podcast: Work From Anywhere, Hire From Anywhere

Our CRO Adam Sheffield offers key tips when expanding into international markets and global talent acquisition on the Silicon Slopes podcast.
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Whitepaper – Switching Contractors to PEO

Whitepaper – Switching Contractors to PEO

Utilizing international contractors for one-time projects can be very effective for a business. However, switching international contractors to PEO will keep companies compliant, while also increasing their overall productivity.
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Australia Regulatory Updates – August 2021

Australia Regulatory Updates – August 2021

Several regulatory updates have been made in Australia throughout the last few months. It is imperative that employers stay up to date with these policy changes, in order to avoid compliance regulations. Key changes are outlined in this blog. Effective July 1st, 2021, the rate at which employers contribute to employees’ superannuation has risen to 10%.
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Tax Reform Agreement Reached Between G7 Nations

Tax Reform Agreement Reached Between G7 Nations

Global tax reform has been a popular topic across nations, and has become a heightened discussion subject as the digitalization of the economy has transpired. As of June 5, 2021, a proposal for a communique issuance has emerged across G7 Nations. The communique proposes resolutions to several historic economic issues, including a new system to address global tax reform.
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Case Study – Consolidating Global Growth

Case Study – Consolidating Global Growth

Read this case study to learn more about how Global PEO Services helps our Clients ensure operational efficiency as they grow by consolidating their global growth with PEO services.
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Top 5 Countries with the Highest Cost of Living

Top 5 Countries with the Highest Cost of Living

A study was done on the price of groceries, utility bills, rent, transportation, etc., to determine the countries with the highest cost of living (in comparison to the cost of living in New York City).
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Top 5 Countries with the Most Skilled Workers in 2021

Top 5 Countries with the Most Skilled Workers in 2021

The reality is that countries themselves have different policies that affect how easy it is to attract people, educate and professionally develop them, and retain the best workers – and these factors can either empower or undermine talent recruitment efforts.
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Regulatory Updates in Northern & Western Europe

Regulatory Updates in Northern & Western Europe

Throughout Northern and Western Europe, various new labor laws have been implemented, and many notable amendments have been made to those already in effect for the year of 2021 and beyond. Below are some of the highlights of these new laws and amendments in specified European countries.
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Why PEOs Are Important in a Global Payroll Strategy

Why PEOs Are Important in a Global Payroll Strategy

Co-founder and COO Gita Bhargava delves into the complexities surrounding global payroll and discusses how incorporating PEOs can streamline these processes.
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Benefits admin for overseas employees: Don’t let it scare you

Benefits admin for overseas employees: Don’t let it scare you

Co-Founder and COO Gita Bhargava shares advice for taking the stress out of global benefits administration with BenefitsPro.
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Czech Republic Changes in Insurance, UBO, and Reporting Policies

Czech Republic Changes in Insurance, UBO, and Reporting Policies

The Czech Republic has introduced several changes in insurance, UBO, and reporting policies for the year of 2021. As of January 1st, 2021, the income base amount for health insurance contributions has been raised by CZK 500. The threshold for health insurance participation which had been previously set at CZK 3,000 is now at CZK 3,500.
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Expand With Options – Expect More From Your PEO

Expand With Options – Expect More From Your PEO

Global PEO Services is more than just a PEO. Our comprehensive global expansion solutions support you at every stage of growth. Our established entities, international expertise, and in-country networks span over 170 countries. We are there to support your service needs wherever your expansion path takes you.
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Brazil Introduces “Balcão Único” (Single System) Initiative

Brazil Introduces “Balcão Único” (Single System) Initiative

Government officials in Brazil have introduced the “Balcão Único” initiative, streamlining the incorporation process for companies. With this new system in place, companies will be able to save time and money in efforts toward getting their business up and running.
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PEO vs. Legal Entity

PEO vs. Legal Entity

Learn more about your setup options when expanding to a new country. This whitepaper compares PEO vs. Legal Entity and provides you with the keys to selecting the option that fits best with your business needs.
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Singapore Budget Highlights 2021

Singapore Budget Highlights 2021

Budget projections for the year of 2021 were delivered in Singapore on the 16th of February. As a COVID-19 support initiative, the Singapore government allocated almost S$100 billion across five budget schemes in conjunction with the standard expenditures of the prior year. The budget statement also disclosed that the fiscal year of 2020 had presented an immense budget deficit to Singapore.
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2021 UK Budget Highlights Released

2021 UK Budget Highlights Released

The 2021 UK budget was presented to parliament in early March. The budget will continue to incorporate allocations to various coronavirus support measures. There are no notable changes in key rates for this year. Corporate tax rate remains at 19%, although it will rise considerably in the next two years. The insurance contribution rates for both employee and employer also remains the same.
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2021 Leave and Social Security Policies in Switzerland

2021 Leave and Social Security Policies in Switzerland

For the year of 2021, several changes have been implemented into employee leave and social security policies in Switzerland. These changes grant employees with additional paid leave time offerings, and oblige employers to higher contribution rates to specific pension plans.
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Economic Employer Concept Introduced in Sweden

Economic Employer Concept Introduced in Sweden

The economic employer concept has been implemented in Sweden for the year of 2021. In previous labor regulations, taxes were not applicable to non-Swedish employees who were receiving remuneration from a non-Swedish company. Under this scheme, employers are viewed merely as the company under which labor is carried out.
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Netherlands Social Security Rate Changes

Netherlands Social Security Rate Changes

New provisions have been proposed by the Social Affairs and Employment Ministry, which directly impact social security contribution rates for 2021 in the Netherlands. Unemployment insurance (AWF) contribution is set at 2.7% for contract employees with no set end-date, and 7.7% for provisional workers and employees on flextime.
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