China Introduces Electronic Invoices for VAT Payments

The State Taxation Administration (STA) of China released a report containing a list of eligible regions where taxpayers who have been newly registered may utilize electronic VAT special invoices, “e-fapiao.” This is an amendment to the formerly used system, “fapiao,” in which all VAT special invoices were submitted in paper form.


Brexit: The new VAT treatment and whom it applies to

The UK has set forth VAT rules for the sale of goods, just concurrently with the culmination of the Brexit transition period. Effective from January 1st, 2021, UK VAT is now applicable for the sale of goods by foreign taxable persons. UK businesses who have utilized a deferral for VAT payments, may now repay the deferred payments in reduced and interest-free payments over an 11 month period.


International Expansion: Going to Europe

Global PEO Services has teamed up with Osborne Clarke and Global Upside for a webinar on international expansion in Europe that includes Data Privacy (GDPR) compliance, and the latest updates in employment law, payroll and benefits.