Ragu Bhargava Talks About UAA Experience

In this University of Anchorage Alaska video, CEO Ragu Bhargava talks about his memories and paying it forward.

Video Transcript

My name is Ragu Bhargava. I graduated in 1988 with a BBA in Accounting and right now I am the CEO of Global Upside. Global Upside is about a 500 person company spread in about 150 countries where we provide services to our Clients around talent acquisition – from staffing, perm, temp, all the way to year end compliance and audit services.

Talking about memories from UAA, I graduated about 30 years ago. But the memory that stays with me at all times is the memory of the so-to-speak soup kitchen. You know, where you get ramen soup and hot chocolate and coffee at all times with a suggested donation of 25 cents. Which as a student, sometimes it’s a little too much. So I do remember coming back later on one of my trips and anonymously putting some money in it because I had benefited a lot from that.

The path that brings me back again and again to UAA is is lifecycle. As you mature, your priorities change. And now at this stage in my life I realize that I need to contribute to the success of others verses just focusing on myself. And one of the things I offer anytime I meet somebody from UAA is to connect with me. If they need any help opening a door, need any help finding a job, if they need help with something I have expertise in, I am more than willing to share.

Because again it goes back to contributing to the success of the current student base and contributing back to the university.

Learn More

Visit the University of Alaska Anchorage website.

Read about Ragu Bhargava’s UAA story.

About Global PEO Services

Global PEO Services (GPS) helps companies expand globally without having to set up legal entities in foreign jurisdictions and deal with related talent acquisition, HR, benefits, payroll, tax, and compliance issues. Hire employees fast, test new markets, or respond to growing business needs quickly while leaving the compliance and operational burden to us.

With our Professional Employer Organization (PEO) or Employer of Record (EOR) services, you get control without taking on legal entity liabilities, contractor risks, or sacrificing on talent and speed to market. Contact us today to learn more.